Revisiting Stories: Allure, Letdowns, and Unseen NarrativesDoes it ever happen to you that when you sit down to revisit a favourite genre, a novel, a movie, a series, or an anime, for the nth time…Jan 2Jan 2
Princess Urmila’s Sacrifice — A PrequelUrmila stood at the edge of the palace courtyard. The air was filled with confusion and dread. She could hear her father-in-law, older…Sep 22, 20242Sep 22, 20242
The Saturday VisitorIn the quaint little area named Araville, a girls’ hostel stood like a watchful guardian, its walls echoing with whispers and laughter…Jul 10, 2024Jul 10, 2024
The unexpected chaos that ignited a bond — Short StoryHe stood before the library, clutching a stitch in his chest. He was panting heavily as a lady came up from inside, “Ah! I thought you’d…Jun 13, 20241Jun 13, 20241
My review of Harry Potter audiobooks — Two and ThreeIn May 2021, I first listened to the first Harry Potter audiobook — ‘Harry Potter and The Philosophers Stone’ or ‘Harry Potter and The…Jan 6, 20241Jan 6, 20241
Growing Up and Growing ApartWe have all been there — growing up with a set of cousins and friends and gradually drifting apart, only to find out all of a sudden that…Oct 24, 2023Oct 24, 2023
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)It takes 20 years to build a reputation but only five minutes to ruin it. — Warren BuffettFeb 22, 2023Feb 22, 2023
OKA PRANAM — LILY POTTER?Did you know that the song “Oka Pranam” from ‘Baahubali 2- The Conclusion’ could be used in the context of the Harry Potter series too…Jun 25, 20221Jun 25, 20221
Ten Reasons Why Fiction Enthralls The MindWhat comes to your mind when you think of a break from your routine? What do you think of when you want to relax?Mar 1, 20221Mar 1, 20221
Interesting Parallels in Harry PotterThose who know me are aware that I am a “Harry Potter” fan and a “Baahubali” fan. I have read the books and watched the movies several…Dec 6, 20211Dec 6, 20211
Love and sexualityLove does not come with pressure, name tags, and other materialistic things. Love is pure and ought to come naturally. It is not something…Sep 7, 2021Sep 7, 2021
Feral ChildrenYou must have heard of “The Jungle Book” series by Rudyard Kipling. One of the most prominent characters in it is Mowgli. Tarzan is a…Aug 14, 2021Aug 14, 2021
If you are a real fan, here’s what you will do.Who is a true fan, and who is a fake fan? What makes you a toxic fan? The internet is roaring with debates and arguments over these topics…Jun 12, 20211Jun 12, 20211
Kallmann SyndromeHave you ever noticed people with one or more of the following?May 26, 2021May 26, 2021
Volunteering amidst a pandemicI’m certain many of you’d have come across the terms, ‘Volunteering’ and ‘Humanitarian trip”. Whether you’ve only heard of the terms, or…Apr 24, 20211Apr 24, 20211
Types of people you see listening to musicWhen we go outside, we observe a lot of things. On an average day out, we see at least one unique thing. There are some things that we…Mar 2, 2021Mar 2, 2021